di Giulia Travaglini
tradotto da Marta Biffi, Marianna Madonia e Silvia Vallerani
Era l’anno 1942, tempo di guerra. Gozzano era occupata
dai Tedeschi. Le persone erano spaventate da questi, come definirli, mostri,
brava gente, poveri diavoli?
La gente alla sera doveva spegnere tutte le luci. I
soldati potevano bussare alle porte dei cittadini da un momento all’altro ed
essi dovevano aprire subito e se chiedevano da mangiare, dovevano dargliene.
Pochi furono i sopravvissuti a questa guerra, tanti i
Molte persone venivano portate in campi di concentramento
orribili, dove non potevano fare nulla se non lavorare. Non gli veniva dato
nemmeno da mangiare. Non erano più considerati persone.
Una donna, Adele, raccontò la tragica guerra ai suoi
nipoti. Lei era una sopravvissuta per miracolo. Era stata un’infermiera. Era
una ragazza come tante in quegli anni, condannata a una vita dura, atroce, a
una vita che non si può definire tale. Una cosa la salvò: era maledettamente
Adele odiava i Tedeschi, perché non capiva dove
sparissero da un momento all'altro i suoi amici. Essa aveva solo 20 anni,
abitava vicino alla Petroliera, a Gozzano sulla strada per Pogno e San
Un soldato tedesco era contrario a tutto ciò che il suo
popolo faceva alla gente semplice e innocente di quel paese. Ammirava molto
Adele, ammirava il modo in cui aiutava le altre persone, ammirava il modo
in cui incoraggiava la mamma e la sorellina di 15 anni, il modo in cui stava
accanto ad esse e soprattutto il modo in cui trascorreva la vita alzandosi
presto per andare a mungere le sue bestie.
Adele, orfana di padre, fu avvicinata da questo soldato,
Hans, il quale le offrì di sopravvivere alla guerra in cambio del suo amore.
Non sapeva cosa dire, ma soprattutto aveva paura, paura
di essere presa in giro, che tutto questo fosse un “sotterfugio”. Adele si fece
attendere e Hans la attendeva.
Hans amava davvero Adele, non era il soldato che lei
immaginava. Lui aveva un cuore. Adele lo capì solo in seguito. Per lei
furono anni intensi e lunghi, vissuti con grande paura al suono improvviso
della sirena della Bemberg, tra le visite dei Tedeschi che rubavano il bestiame
e il terrore che scoprissero la sua vera origine.
Vide scene raccapriccianti che le rimasero impresse nella
mente per tutta la vita. Tanti furono i pianti e tanti i sensi di colpa, ma
Hans c’era sempre, in silenzio.
Nel 1945 Adele poté tornare ad una vita quasi normale;
quasi perché una vita normale è diversa. Una vita normale non ha ricordi così
brutti, così pesanti, così atroci.
Adele fino ad oggi non è mai riuscita a dimenticare nulla
di tutto ciò ma insieme a lei vive Hans, rimasto con lei, nascosto nella
legnaia quando tutti scapparono perché la guerra era finita. Hanno vissuto una
vita felice insieme, con il ricordo delle persone care che hanno sofferto e con
la serenità di vedere oggi quella base militare, la Petroliera, finalmente
Ispirato alla zona della Petroliera, ex deposito militare, immaginando che una storia diversa fosse possibile
Ispirato alla zona della Petroliera, ex deposito militare, immaginando che una storia diversa fosse possibile
It was 1942, during the war. Gozzano was occupied by the Germans. People were frightened by these, how could we define them, “monsters, good people, poor devils”? In the evening people had to turn off all the lights. The soldiers could knock at the doors at any moment and they had to open straight away, and if the soldiers asked for food, they had to give it. Few were the survivors of this war, many more the missing. Many people were brought to horrible concentration camps where they couldn't do anything but work.
They weren't given anything to eat. They weren't considered people anymore.
A woman, Adele, told her grandchild about the tragic war. She had survived by a miracle. She had been a nurse, but in those years she was a girl like the others, she was condemned to a terrible life, a life that can't be defined as such.
One thing saved her: she was damn beautiful!
Adele hated the Germans because she didn't understand where her friends disappeared to from one moment to the next.
She was only 20 years old and she was living near the petrol deposit in Gozzano, on the way to Pogno and to San Maurizio.
A German soldier was against everything that his German people used to do to the simple and poor innocent people of that country. He admired the way she used to help other people, he admired the way she used to encourage her mum and her little sister who was 15 years old, the way she used to stay close to them and especially the way she used to spend her life getting up early to milk her cows. Adele, who had grown up without a father, was approached by this soldier, Hans, who offered to help her to survive the war in exchange for love. She didn't know what to say but above all she was afraid he was making fun of her, that an this was a "subterfuge".
It was 1942, during the war. Gozzano was occupied by the Germans. People were frightened by these, how could we define them, “monsters, good people, poor devils”? In the evening people had to turn off all the lights. The soldiers could knock at the doors at any moment and they had to open straight away, and if the soldiers asked for food, they had to give it. Few were the survivors of this war, many more the missing. Many people were brought to horrible concentration camps where they couldn't do anything but work.
They weren't given anything to eat. They weren't considered people anymore.
A woman, Adele, told her grandchild about the tragic war. She had survived by a miracle. She had been a nurse, but in those years she was a girl like the others, she was condemned to a terrible life, a life that can't be defined as such.
One thing saved her: she was damn beautiful!
Adele hated the Germans because she didn't understand where her friends disappeared to from one moment to the next.
She was only 20 years old and she was living near the petrol deposit in Gozzano, on the way to Pogno and to San Maurizio.
A German soldier was against everything that his German people used to do to the simple and poor innocent people of that country. He admired the way she used to help other people, he admired the way she used to encourage her mum and her little sister who was 15 years old, the way she used to stay close to them and especially the way she used to spend her life getting up early to milk her cows. Adele, who had grown up without a father, was approached by this soldier, Hans, who offered to help her to survive the war in exchange for love. She didn't know what to say but above all she was afraid he was making fun of her, that an this was a "subterfuge".
Adele made Hans wait for an answer and he waited. Hans
really loved her dearly, he wasn’t the type of soldier Adele imagined him to
be. He had a heart and Adele understood this later on. These years were long,
intense years for Adele, with great terror at the sound of the siren of
the Bemberg, between visits of Germans who stole the cattle and the terror that
they would discover her true origin. She saw horrifying scenes that were
imprinted in her mind for all her life. Many were the tears and strong the
sense of guilt but Hans was always there in silence. In 1945 Adele could go
back to her normal life, almost normal, "almost" because a normal
life is different. A normal life hasn't these terrible memories, so cruel, so
horrible. Adele has never forgotten anything but Hans lives with her, he had
stayed with her, hidden in the woodshed, when everyone had run away
because the war had finished. They had a happy life together, with the memory
of their dearest ones who had suffered and with the serenity to see today that
military base, the petrol deposit, finally empty.
El año de 1942, era tiempo de guerra. Gozzano estaba
ocupada por los alemanes. Las personas estaban asustadas de estos, ¿cómo
definirlos...? monstruos, buena gente, pobres diablos. La gente por la
tarde tenía que apagar todas las luces. Los soldados podían tocar a las puertas
de los ciudadanos de un momento a otro y ellos tenían que abrir enseguida y si
querían algo de comer, tenían que dárselo. Pocos fueron los supervivientes de
esta guerra, muchos los desaparecidos. Muchas personas fueron llevadas a
centros de concentración horribles, donde no podían hacer nada, sólo trabajar.
Ni siquiera les daban de comer y tampoco los consideraban personas. Una mujer, Adele, contó la
trágica guerra a sus nietos. Ella había sobrevivido por milagro. Había sido
enfermera. Pero ella era una chica como tantas otras en aquellos años,
condenada a una vida dura, atroz, a una vida que ni siquiera se puede definir
así. La cosa que la salvó fue que era endemoniadamente bella.
Adele odiaba a los alemanes porque no comprendía dónde
desaparecían sus amigos de un momento a otro. Ella tenía sólamente veinte años,
vivía cerca de la petrolera en Gozzano, para ir a Pogno y a San Maurizio. Un
soldado alemán estaba en contra de su pueblo por todo lo que le hacía a la
pobre gente inocente y simple de aquel país. Admiraba mucho a Adele, admiraba
el modo en que ayudaba a las otras personas, admiraba el modo en que animaba a
su madre y su hermanita de quince años, el modo en que estaba cerca de ellas y
sobretodo el modo en que transcurría la vida levantándose temprano para ir a
ordeñar sus vacas. El soldado Hans se acercó a Adele, huérfana de padre, para
ofrecerle sobrevivir a la guerra a cambio de su amor. Ella no sabía qué decir,
pero sobre todo tenía miedo a que le tomaran el pelo, a que todo esto fuera una
trampa. Adele se hizo esperar y Hans la esperaba. Hans amaba muchísimo a Adele,
no era el soldado que ella imaginaba. Él tenía un corazón. Adele lo comprendió
sólo después. Para Adele fueron años intensos y largos, vividos con mucho miedo
al sonido improviso de la sirena de la
Bemberg, entre las visitas de los alemanes que robaban el
ganado y el terror que descubrieran su verdadera origen. Vio escenas
de horror que quedaron imprimidas en su mente para toda la vida. Muchas fueron
las lágrimas y muchos los sentidos de culpa, pero Hans estaba
siempre en silencio. En
1945 Adele pudo regresar a una vida casi normal, “casi” porque una vida normal
es diferente. Una vida normal no guarda recuerdos tan horribles, tan pesados,
tan atroces. Adele hasta ahora no ha conseguido olvidar nada de todo lo que ha
pasado, pero junto a ella vive Hans, que se quedó con ella, escondido en la
leñera cuando todos huyeron porque la guerra había terminado. Han vivido una
vida feliz juntos, con el recuerdo de las personas queridas que padecieron
mucho y con la serenidad de ver hoy aquella base militar, la petrolera, por fin
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