di Sara Brena
tradotto da Giacomo Gentina, Alex Paracchini, Silvia Valli
una notte piovosa, era tutto buio, ma era l’ultima occasione per Giacomo. Se
avesse fallito ora, non avrebbe più cercato, si sarebbe arreso e non avrebbe
svelato il mistero. Non c’era scelta. Davanti a lui si intravedeva il
lago allungato e nero. In mezzo l’ombra scura dell’isola, rotta dalle fioche
luci del convento di clausura. Imponenti montagne lo circondavano, con le cime
appena più chiare per la neve. Ma non poteva soffermarsi troppo, non c’era tempo.
la pala in mano iniziò a scavare con un movimento rigido e costante.
sentiva le gocce di sudore scorrere sul viso, ripercorreva attimo per attimo
tutti i momenti in cui aveva studiato le coordinate e i numeri e interpretato i
sogni. Ora il tanto atteso 13 ottobre era arrivato.
due metri di distanza dalla torre e sotto dieci di profondità doveva
quel piccolo passaggio che l’avrebbe reso famoso in tutto il mondo: il
passaggio segreto della torre di Buccione. Suo nonno gli aveva sempre
raccontato, fin da piccolo, che esisteva un tunnel, un passaggio che conduceva
dalla torre fino alla Basilica di Gozzano. Nessuno sapeva chi fosse il
costruttore e perché l’avesse realizzato, ma una cosa era chiara: nessuno era
mai riuscito a ritrovarlo. Tanti studi, tante ricerche, ma vane. Ed ora
ossessionato dai ricordi di suo nonno, doveva farcela, in suo onore. Era
diventata una questione di principio per Giacomo.
otto metri, nove e….. dieci e la pala picchiò contro qualcosa di duro. Niente e
nessuno avrebbe potuto bloccarlo. Era la serata giusta se lo sentiva. Non c'era
la luna perchè grigie nuvole continuavano a coprirla, come se
volessero ucciderla, farla sparire per sempre.
tasca Giacomo prese una piccola torcia. Nella penombra intravide una maniglia.
Tirò con forza finchè riuscì a smuovere l'apertura del passaggio. Una
misera scaletta e poi il nulla: ancora più buio. Con la sua torcia in mano
camminava, procedeva lento, non sapendo cosa avrebbe potuto incontrare. Un silenzio
tombale, il cuore gli batteva a mille come se gli uscisse dal petto, tremava di
paura e di freddo. Improvvisamente il passaggio si interruppe. Quanto era
passato? Aveva perso la cognizione del tempo. Ora tastava il muro, per capire
cosa ci fosse dietro, ma niente. Sembrava un vicolo cieco. Giacomo non sapeva
cosa fare, sudava sempre di più. Aveva paura ma era anche eccitato.
trovata: aveva svelato il mistero di Gozzano, anche se solo in parte!
bastava altro che trovare la fine, l’uscita per tornare all’aria aperta!
niente! Fin dove arrivava il passaggio? Era veramente sotto la Basilica?
All’improvviso svenne per la troppa tensione.
la strada l’aveva trovata ma non c’era via d’uscita! Le domande si affollavano
nella sua mente: chi l’aveva costruito e perché non c’era una fine? Forse era
un fuggiasco in tempo di guerra e l'avevano catturato durante la fuga, o aveva
effettivamente aperto una strada introvabile per generazioni e generazioni?
a cui nessuno sa rispondere, nascoste nel passato e in quelle pietre silenziose
sul retro della Basilica.
alla tradizione popolare che accredita l'esistenza di un passaggio segreto che
collega la Torre di Buccione con la Basilica di S.Giuliano in Gozzano.
It was a rainy night, everything was dark, but it was the
last chance for James. If he had failed now, he wouldn't have searched anymore,
he would have surrendered and he wouldn't have solved the mystery, there was no
The black lake stretched in front of him. In the middle, the dark shadow of the island, broken by the dim lights of the nunnery. Imposing mountains surrounded it, with the tops just a little lighter because of the snow. But he couldn't stop too long, there was no time.
With a shovel in his hands he started to dig with a hard and constant movement. While he was feeling the drops of sweat run down his face, he went over all the moments in which he had studied the coordinates, the numbers and interpreted the dreams.
Now the long awaited 13th October had arrived. Two meters from the tower and under ten meters of depth he had to find it. Yes, that little secret passage of the Buccione tower.
His grandfather had always told him, from his childhood, that there was a tunnel, a secret passage that started from the tower and arrived at the basilica of Gozzano. No one knew who the builder was and the reason why he had built it, but one thing was sure: no one had ever managed to find it.
The black lake stretched in front of him. In the middle, the dark shadow of the island, broken by the dim lights of the nunnery. Imposing mountains surrounded it, with the tops just a little lighter because of the snow. But he couldn't stop too long, there was no time.
With a shovel in his hands he started to dig with a hard and constant movement. While he was feeling the drops of sweat run down his face, he went over all the moments in which he had studied the coordinates, the numbers and interpreted the dreams.
Now the long awaited 13th October had arrived. Two meters from the tower and under ten meters of depth he had to find it. Yes, that little secret passage of the Buccione tower.
His grandfather had always told him, from his childhood, that there was a tunnel, a secret passage that started from the tower and arrived at the basilica of Gozzano. No one knew who the builder was and the reason why he had built it, but one thing was sure: no one had ever managed to find it.
A lot of studies, lots of projects, but in vain. And now,
obsessed by his grandfather's memories, he had to do it, in his honour. It had
become a matter of principle for James. Here are eight meters, nine and...ten
and the shovel hit something hard. No one and nothing could have blocked it. It
was the right night, he felt it. There was no moon because grey clouds kept
covering it, as if they wanted to kill it, make it disappear forever.
James took a little torch from his pocket. In the dim light he caught a glimpse of a handle. He pulled with strength until he could move the opening of the passage. A tiny ladder and then nothing: even darker. With a torch in his hands he walked, he went on slowly, not knowing what he might meet. A deadly silence, his heart was beating like a drum, it was cold and he was shivering with fear. Suddenly the passage stopped. How long did it take? He had lost track of time. Now he touched the wall, to understand what was behind, but he felt nothing.
It seemed a dead end. James didn't know what to do, he was sweating more and more. He was afraid but he was also excited. He had found it: he had revealed the mystery of Gozzano, even if only a little piece!
He just had to find the end, the exit from here to get back to open air!
But nothing! Where did the passage take? Was it really under the basilica? He suddenly fainted.
Yes, he had found the way but there wasn't any way out!
The questions crowded his mind: who had built it and why was there no end? Maybe it had been a fugitive in a time of war and they had caught him during his escape or had he really opened a way that had been impossible to find for generations and generations?
Questions nobody can answer, hidden in the past and in those silent stones at the back of the Basilica.
James took a little torch from his pocket. In the dim light he caught a glimpse of a handle. He pulled with strength until he could move the opening of the passage. A tiny ladder and then nothing: even darker. With a torch in his hands he walked, he went on slowly, not knowing what he might meet. A deadly silence, his heart was beating like a drum, it was cold and he was shivering with fear. Suddenly the passage stopped. How long did it take? He had lost track of time. Now he touched the wall, to understand what was behind, but he felt nothing.
It seemed a dead end. James didn't know what to do, he was sweating more and more. He was afraid but he was also excited. He had found it: he had revealed the mystery of Gozzano, even if only a little piece!
He just had to find the end, the exit from here to get back to open air!
But nothing! Where did the passage take? Was it really under the basilica? He suddenly fainted.
Yes, he had found the way but there wasn't any way out!
The questions crowded his mind: who had built it and why was there no end? Maybe it had been a fugitive in a time of war and they had caught him during his escape or had he really opened a way that had been impossible to find for generations and generations?
Questions nobody can answer, hidden in the past and in those silent stones at the back of the Basilica.
Era una noche lluviosa, todo estaba oscuro, pero
era la última oportunidad para Giacomo. Si fracasaba ahora, no habría más que
buscar, se habría entregado y no habría revelado el misterio, no había otra
opción. En frente de él se distinguía el enorme lago negro. En la
mitad la sombra oscura de la isla, rota por las débiles luces del convento de
clausura. Majestuosas montañas lo rodeaban, con las cumbres un poco más claras
por la nieve. Pero
no podía detenerse demasiado, no quedaba tiempo.
Con la pala en mano empezó a cavar con un movimiento
rígido y continuo. Mientras sentía las gotas de sudor resbalarle sobre la cara,
recordaba cada momento en el que había estudiado las coordenadas y los números
e interpretado los sueños. Ahora el muy esperado trece de octubre había
llegado. A dos metros de distancia de la torre y debajo, a una
profundidad de diez metros, tenía que encontrarlo. Sí, aquel pequeño pasaje que lo
volvería famoso en todo el mundo: el pasaje secreto de la torre de Buccione.
Su abuelo siempre le había contado, desde pequeño, que
existía un túnel, un pasaje secreto que conducía desde la torre hasta la
basílica de Gozzano. Nadie sabía quién era el constructor y por qué lo había
realizado, pero una cosa era clara: nadie había conseguido encontrarlo. Muchos estudios,
muchas búsquedas, pero en vano. Y ahora, obsesionado de los recuerdos de su
abuelo, tenía que lograrlo, en su honor. Sí, se había convertido en una
cuestión de honor para Giacomo. He aquí ocho metros, nueve y... diez y la pala
chocó contra algo duro. Nada y nadie podría pararlo. Era la noche justa, lo
sentía, no había luna porque unas grises nubes seguían cubriéndola, como si
quisieran matarla y hacerla desaparecer para siempre.
De su bolsillo, Giacomo sacó una pequeña linterna. En la
penumbra entrevió una manija. Tiró con fuerza hasta que consiguió mover la
apertura del túnel. Una miserable escalera y después nada: más oscuridad.
Caminaba con su linterna en mano, avanzaba lentamente, sin saber qué podría
encontrar. Un silencio de muerte, el corazón le latía fuerte como si se le
fuera a salir del pecho, temblaba de miedo y de frío. De repente el túnel
terminó. ¿Cuánto había pasado? Había perdido la noción del tiempo. Ahora
palpaba el muro, para comprender qué estaba detrás, pero nada. Parecía un callejón sin salida. Giacomo no sabía qué
hacer, sudaba cada vez más. Tenía miedo pero estaba también excitado. Por
fin lo había encontrado: ¡había revelado el misterio de Gozzano, aunque sólo
parcialmente! ¡Sólamente le faltaba encontrar el final, la salida de ahí para
volver al aire libre! ¡Pero nada! ¿Hasta dónde llegaba el pasaje? ¿Estaba
de verdad debajo de la basílica? De repente se desmayó por la excesiva tensión.
Sí, había encontrado el camino, ¡pero no había ninguna
salida! Su cabeza estaba llena de preguntas: ¿quién lo construyó y por qué no
había un final? Tal vez era un fugitivo en tiempos de guerra y lo habían
capturado durante la fuga, o en realidad había abierto un camino imposible de
encontrar por generaciones y generaciones. Preguntas a
las que nadie sabe responder, escondidas en el pasado y en aquellas
piedras silenciosas en la parte posterior de la basílica.
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